Monday, July 3, 2023

Winding Amongst the Side Dishes

Friends invited a few of us over for a back patio dinner -- burgers and brats and whatever sides the spirit moved us to bring. I brought the prep for one of my usual multicolored fruit trays and two knitting projects.

First up, I needed to finish the toes on these socks. This is the 99th pair of socks I've finished, which means either the socks that are currently in a project bag or another pair soon will tip me over into that "more than 100" category. That's absolutely wild. I've only really been knitting socks for about 12 years, so that's something like 8-9 pairs on average a year. Though realistically it's been more like 3-5 in the past few years after a very strong start. 

The yarn is Sophie's Toes in a one of a kind colorway. According to my notes I picked it up in 2017 at YarnCon. That feels like a lifetime ago. She stopped dyeing a few years ago and I've lost track of her. Very nice knitter, I hope she is doing okay. 

Once the toes were cast off (and yes, I tried on one sock a couple of times while it was still on the needle to gauge length) I needed to wind up yarn for the Honey Cowl that is going to be desk knitting for the next bit. 

Fortunately, this group of friends has seen it all when it comes to my knitting. Flinging a skein around my knees and handwinding didn't even bring a blink of an eyelid. It was soothing to be in company that close, friends who are so familiar with your habits, hobbies, and oddities that something like getting this skein into a ball doesn't even register anymore. It's just part of what you expect from me. There are many friends and colleagues where I will never have that level of ease.  

The yarn for this is Fiber Sprout (the green) in her Night Zone colorway and Valley Yarns from Webs in Black. I caught the Anniversary sale this spring and bought a lot of black yarn to help with a variety of projects around the Chateau. Yes I bought more yarn so I can theoretically "use up" yarn. Yes I recognize the amusing nature of that. 

Anyway... I hope you're able to find friends with whom to sit outside, share a meal, and wind yarn at without concern for a few moments. 

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Sock Show Friday

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