Saturday, December 31, 2022

Au Revoir 2022

It's the end of another year. Not my best year overall, some really amazing and good changes but also some pretty significant losses. A lot of change for nearly everyone I know and that has meant we're all flailing around trying to sort out what comes next. 

 A textbox that says I've knit 4840 meters of yarn this year.

There's been a little knitting. More than I expected, honestly. I'd set myself a goal of 25 projects and I got through 12. Yarn as comfort object carried from room to room has felt very much the theme of the year. But I've got new socks for New Year's Eve and I'll start another shiny new pair as we ring in the new year. Same as I always do. 

I've also been thinking about Franklin Habit a lot recently and his still fairly recent move to Paris. It was fascinating to watch him pare down the books, the yarn, the everything for an international move. Only the most precious thing went along. There's a lot of things here that are very nice, but they aren't precious. And the precious is getting lost amongst the other things...

A death in the family points out to me again the shortness of life and how holding onto things you do not love, which do not serve a purpose, which are no longer needed, well mostly that just makes me tired. Is it a great surprise sometimes to find I still have thing? Sure. But usually it's just extra stuff.  I'm in my usual winter "why is there so much stuff" round, which spawned UseUpYear two years ago and continues to peck at the back of my brain. 

I hope you achieved some of your craft related goals this year and if not, that you can give yourself grace that usually yarn doesn't go stale. 

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