I used to do sock project updates on Thursdays and then I trailed off on knitting socks for a decade. I was still knitting them, but not in the Always All the Time and Everyone Has Rich Sock Drawer way that I was a decade ago. Honey cowls took over for a few years there. But I'm back on my sock nonsense for 2025 and that means I need some updates here to make sure that in five years I knew what I did again.
I won't get to everything today because at the moment I have at least four pair on the needles. My brain keeps yelling that there is a fifth pair but I can't find it/figure out where it is. I'm sure some project bag will be coughed up somewhere and there will be that ah ha moment. (Note while I'm still drafting but after I got home, there is a fifth pair, it was on my home office desk.)
What is very familiar is being back at the stage of "Oh I can't work on that pair because I'm at the toe and I need to check foot length." Which is, of course, how we got to five pair on the needles in the first place. It does mean that the four pairs currently that I can think of (orange/purple; green/gray; autumn/at work; bright blue and teal/purple/blue) are all on the second sock!
I'd set out for 2025 to make a dozen pairs and right now that feels very doable. I've also given myself permission that anytime I'm sad or irritated or just need a hit of dopamine I'm allowed to start a new knitting project. The WIPs will abound.
I have managed to achieve one full pair of socks so far. Of course they are Blue Moon Fiber Arts Socks that Rock Lightweight. The colorway is Blackbird. I knit a sweater out of this colorway a few years ago and sadly, it is likely the only BMFA STR sweater I'll get to knit, as Tina hasn't been dyeing for a few years and most of us bought one skein in a colorway at a time. These socks were made of the leftovers. I'd forgotten how much this particular batch bled -- my hands were sooty black every time I worked on them and I need to make sure I do a couple of pre-rinses before wearing.
Socks are an interesting trick -- you have a tube and then *mystical hand waving and occasional swearing* and then another tube and then.... SOCK. It always gets questions in public, even as most of my friends recognize if there are more than 2 needles, it will likely be a sock.
I have a huge bin of yarn set aside for 2025 socks, we shall see how far I get.
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