This will only be a one year sprint and one is only allowed to officially declare one "major" per semester for points. I can only imagine what logistics and spreadsheets went into TLE tracking all of us for four years for Academy.
"If your major is Shawls, pick three of these projects to complete this semester:
* a shawl with a picot edge
* a shawl out of worsted weight yarn
* a shawl with an applied (knit on or crocheted on) edging
* a shawl requiring a center graft
* a shawl done using 2 or 3 different colors"
I'm doing a worsted weight shawl, an applied edging, and a shawl in 2 different colors. Behold my yarn plans:
The black and the glowing blue yarn (Uncommon Thread Azurite, isn't it just the best?) will be one shawl, the pink skein will be the applied edging.
And on train rides, I wound the worsted weight yarn for shawl three.
I had forgotten how utterly nice Dream in Color Classy is. It's such a pleasant experience to knit with this yarn-- squishy and good twist and nice to handle. Even if I have strange ideas that during a 90 minute commute I can entirely finish a 400 yard shawl, I'm not disappointed that I'm not done yet.
Here is my progress so far! The pattern is called Aggregate. There are some areas of potential interpretation in the pattern that I wish were a little clearer but overall I'm charging satisfactorily through the short row sections. I even wove in all the ends thus far on the Adventure 1 in Trying to Renew My Driver's License. ( I got a new DL -- it's not the one I needed to get. I'll have to go back.)
And you'll notice I was even pretty modest in my expectations for myself, which is good as I also have at least, five other very large projects that I'm hoping to complete this fall, only one of which is that green sweater you saw earlier this week. I'm limiting my over-commitment! Go me?
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