Here's what I have tackled so far.
This cowl was knit as part of the Loopy Academy and the majority of the knitting was done in 2018. I was convinced I had already sent it to it's intended recipient. Apparently this was untrue. It is now going to go live with her.
Needed: 45 minutes of ends being woven in and finally crocheting the ends together to convert from short scarf to squishy cowl.
The Watermelon Hitchhiker! You didn't think I could get away without at least ONE more blog post on it, did you? This was done but the ends were not woven in. And truthfully, I haven't blocked it.
Needed: 10 minutes of end weaving? Isn't it pretty?
2 pairs of socks knit out of the Yarns of Rhichard Devrieze. Again, end weaving. These are now prepared to go to their new home.
Needed: 10 minutes of end weaving; waiting on me to go to the Post Office.
Meet the malingerers. These two projects have been in the finished object bin for years. The top is the Contrast and Complement shawl I knit for Loopy Academy and StashDash in 2015. The pattern is lovely and I can't find anyone who wants it with the ruffle edge it currently has. The bottom is a two color shawlette that I modified for StashDash to meet deadlines and deal with the word "Bobbles." I've been told that the pictures look, from afar, like ruffly ladies underwear. That was ripped out and the yarn is back in the stash. I'll find some other use for lavender superwash.
Here's what about 3 hours of unpicking and swearing at the shawl resulted in. I got the ruffles off. I also managed to unpick both the top and bottom of the shawl (inadvertently -- you go find the ends I'd very neatly and comprehensively woven in), as well as ending up with several little extra lengths due to what I assume were using up leftovers as I went on the first round.
It was pretty miserable, even with a good murder mystery on in the background. But it's done and now after I fix the top and bottom of the shawl (don't ask how many rows I ripped out on the bottom before realizing I was doing that -- the answer is more than 2), I will use the ruffle yarn to do a simpler border. And then this will go to a new home.
Also, it'll count for StashDash 2019. See my scheming there?
Don't worry, more projects to come.
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