Tuesday, December 26, 2017


I would say Done and Dusted but there's still a lot of cat hair around Chez Hedgehog.

 However, my last Loopy Academy homework has been uploaded for the semester and I'm even a week early! I finished this on the 22nd and blocked it overnight. It was wrapped on the 23rd and gifted on the 24th and now lives with Sibling-the-Elder.

This was not my first Franklin Habit pattern but I believe it was the first time I'd knit one of his lace pieces. The charts are incredibly clear and the final product is really lovely.  I was a little skeptical on the anticipated measurements and added 4 repeats -- 2 on each side of center. I probably didn't need them -- the final measurements were something close to 3 feet wide and 7 feet long.

I know, not my best photo either.  It was about 1 a.m. at that point.  I used Loopy Ewe Solids; I'm still disappointed that they discontinued that yarn.  Several friends tried to "adopt" this project. Or at least reassured me that they really do like that color. 

Gypsy had been firmly of the opinion that the unblocked shawl was a cat pillow.  I had to wait a good half hour to move her and the while it was blocking, of course, she "helped." 

I was even feeling a little smug that I've knit over 10,000 yards this year -- 10805 according to KnitMeter.  Then I looked at my Ravelry Stash page and did some quick math to see how much I've brought into the house that hasn't yet been knit. It's somewhere in the 8000 yards range. So it's a net loss of about 2000 yards. Plus all of the yarn I bought which was knit and has left... 

Still, not sure I'm actually making progress here in using up stash.  

I'm on a knitting break for a few days. My hands have been complaining and so I'm going to do some stash sorting, make sure ends are woven in on a few things, sort out things that need to be gifted and maybe make some plans for 2018 knitting. One academy semester to go!!

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