Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Too Many Projects!!

I keep casting on more and more projects, to the detriment of my queue and my living room.  Let's see where I'm at with current projects.

  1. Mere's Baby Blanket: Through the washer and dryer, need to weave in the ends. 
  2. Fingerless Blue/Green Mitts: Casting off first one...moved to Kiwanis knitting
  3. Pink Shawl: Done, blocked, need to weave in two ends and send it off to be raffled.
  4. Purple/Green Yvaine: Down to the garter stitch border. 2-3 more rows and then bind off. It pools funny in the seed stitch sections. I'm not sure who will love it but it'll be done. 
  5. Old Man of Storr Shawlette out of Wollmeise: Shamefully neglected.  
So with all of this happening plus two neglected afghans on the needles and one neglected afghan that just needs the ends woven in and ironing and vaccuuming and 1000 other chores awaiting me....

I cast on a new project.  It's the City Shawl by Stephanie Japel.  I am making it out of Louet Gems Worsted in Citrus. I kept coming back to the pattern as a wonderful stash buster and, as one only needs 300 yards of bulky or 600 yards of worsted weight doubled-- I was off!! 

It knits up wonderfully fast on size 15 needles, I'm 72 rows in and ready for the second section of garter lace. It would be my Kiwanis knitting but I'm using metal straights and there is no way to make straight, size 15, metal needles quiet. So it's becoming a home only project but considering an hour or two leads to massive amounts of satisfaction, it will end very soon. I'm thinking about rounding up more worsted weight and making a few more of these. I could knock out most of my Christmas gifts inside of a few weeks!! 

I actually have about 700 yards, so I plan to add a couple extra rows of garter stitch on to the end. Dreadfully exciting I know, right?  K2tog, YO, K2tog, YO.

I'm out of TV to watch at the moment (waiting on Taxi, Season One (more Judd Hirsch); Numb3rs, Season Four; The Closer, Season Four; Leverage, Season One; Castle, Season Two; Bones, Season Five; and Northern Exposure, Season One (more Rob Morrow).  That will remedy itself pretty soon though and I have those 1000 chores awaiting me. Speaking of which, I need to get back to things. 

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Sock Show Friday

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