Friday, August 13, 2010

Hoping to Find Violets

Violets are my favorite flower.  I love seeing their delicate heads peeping out of the grass in the spring. Though never around for long, they're so beautiful.  And while you can pick them--it's really best if you don't.  Just enjoy them and use them as a wonderful excuse to not mow the lawn just yet....

So it will come as no huge surprise that I bought yarn that reminded me of violets. Yarn Love in the Juliet base in the Garden View colorway. 


I wound this yarn a while ago, possibly even in January  before I went to Egypt.  Not before then--so let's just say Egypt for the unofficial record.  It looked like a full orchard of violets in the grass then. And when it didn't get knit up in Egypt it went into various rotations of "I'll make this" wherein mostly it languished in one of my knitting baskets, praying that Gypsy wouldn't take note.

When I finished the Pink Shawl (I almost wrote "of doom" but we had the Orange Socks of Doom already and I think that's enough doom projects for one year), I ignored the 14 other projects that needed to be done and went scavenging for another skein that I could put on the needles to make another Yvaine.  It's a super simple pattern: stripe stockinette with seed stitch, increasing 4 stitches every right side row, alternate as you will, when you start running low on yarn, add a garter border, bind off.  Which makes it perfect Sunday-I-have-a-serious-headache-stop-whining-cat-pattern. 

So far it looks like it's going to pool in all sorts of blotchy ways.  We'll see how it goes--right now it's also I-can't-hold-the-size-1-half-toothpicks purse/TV knitting. 
Garden View Shawl

And in case you wondered--this is a pretty regular scene at Chez Hedgehog

Presenting the belly for worship

Belly rubs accepted. 

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