Friday, August 26, 2022

Adventures in Shelving -- Part 3 of Several

If you've been around the Philosopher and I since we bought the Chateau, you'll probably heard about his newfound delight in tool shopping. We are now a RYOBI household and own an unreasonable number of batteries because everything is cordless. Personally, given preference, I would have probably gone with Makita brand but that's mostly because my 7th grade self still thinks Very 90s Teal is a really lovely color for lots of things. Electric lime green is so 80s. 

The Philosopher was beginning to run low on patience waiting for shelves. Now that we had a *bit* of time before fall semester for both of us, we really deeply wanted to get the bookshelves done so we could unpack the remaining ~30 boxes of books before the weather headed back to temperatures that do not lend themselves this kind of work. 

(When I initially draft this, it was Sunday, July 17. There are still no IVAR shelves in stock at my IKEA. I called yesterday to get an update on when they thought shelves would arrive. On Call 5 I learned that now 100 shelves were supposed to arrive on July 21 with Medium Probability and they recommended that I ring back on July 20 to see if that had changed to High Probability yet. Astute readers will notice that this is *half* the shipment that had been promised since July 2 and that's still unlikely -- and also I'd need a full quarter of the shipment, just me.)

He started eyeing plywood. We only needed two sheets if we skipped 1 of the 27 shelves (2 delivered, 24 other) -- this could work, right? But from a friend we heard some stories of Very Warped Plywood thanks to stain. Hmmmm, the challenges continue... 

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