Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Adventures in Shelving -- Part 2 of Several

 Now then, when I'd first spoken to IKEA Customer Support, we talked about when would be best for me to verify shelf delivery and start the 25 shelf order again.  IKEA, I learned, doesn't unload trucks during the day while the store is open -- understandably as they don't want to be running forklifts around the warehouse while there are also squishy humans using the large floor carts as scooters up and down the aisles. (Just me?)

So the truck might arrive Tuesday into Wednesday and be unloaded for Wednesday morning OR it might arrive Wednesday at some point and be updated for Thursday. Cool. 

Wednesday -- no shelves in stock
Thursday -- no shelves in stock

Friday.  Now, readers, you will recall that I was expecting 3rd box for my table. Supposed to arrive Friday between 9-1. So I did my morning check of the IVAR shelving (no stock) and waited. Around 12:30 I checked the website and.... now the box was "being prepared for delivery Saturday 9-3". 

Can't say I was best pleased.  While we didn't have anywhere in particular we needed to be Saturday morning, I frequently am out running errands and doing other weekend things and now getting to be pinned at home for six hours wasn't the plan. But okay, it's being put on a truck and it'll be here Saturday. 

Saturday, now a full week after the first delivery, and the truck finally arrived around 2. I ran downstairs to receive the box; I figured I could handle one box of table legs. 

Only to find my delivery dudes carrying three boxes.  (No shelves in stock -- I had checked) 

Someone had gotten something glitched and they were trying to re-deliver the entire table. They believed they needed to give me *three boxes* whereas I only wished to receive *Box 3*.

It was a bit of a discussion, but after a few minutes they agreed to hand me Box 3, I gave them my customer report code for the Table / Missing Box portion of the order gone wrong, and they headed off to their next delivery.  I came inside and once again called IKEA Customer Support for Call 4. 

I've gotten quite good at calling now, I know the number pad to get through to a person about a delivery, and I know the department specifically I need to ask for as the first person usually cannot solve the issues I'm having (not their problem, just part of the triage). And truly, I'm *impressed* by the people working those lines. I never wait more than a couple of minutes and when they put me on hold, they'll check back if it's taking more than a few minutes to give me any updates.  

The person for Call 4 had a deep Appalachian accent and was *highly* amused that they'd sent three boxes. But did I have all the table boxes I needed to have? I did? Great, that was the most important part. I agreed. For today, that was the most important part and I just wanted to make sure my delivery guys weren't penalized. Nope, they'd updated the files and we were good to go.  

Oh, and I asked if they could look into the shelves for me.

Shelves were now going to be delivered on Thursday, July 14. And that was again, 200 shelves, and -- I learned this time with "Medium Probability." What did that mean?  That is how likely it is that things will actually arrive but it should mean that the shelves are here somewhere in the United States.  Truck drivers are apparently the limiting commodity in question. 

So it was time to wait again.  Meanwhile, the Philosopher had started scoping out routers.  

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