Monday, December 6, 2021

Baby Boswick -- Le Grande ..Sunflower?

 Dr. S had concurred with my estimate that Boswick was about 6-7 months -- based on teeth and growing and whatnot. His comment was "well, he's going to have to grow into that tail."  And he was absolutely *growing* or at least food was disappearing at a continual clip and he kept getting longer, though not much in the way of wider. 

We were concerned about waiting 6-7 weeks for neutering when he was close to/at sexual maturity and so the Philosopher had looked up a few places and we'd found a location about 90 minutes away who could do it much sooner.  If you've got some spare coin -- do send some to and/or to your local spay and neutering organizations! 

(He sleeps more deeply than any cat I've ever owned)

However, late on a Sunday a week before we were due to go to SpayIllinois, I got a text from the vet (see why I say he's the best?). He'd been reviewing his schedule for Monday and had a surgery cancellation. Did we want to bring in Boswick? We Did Indeed. First of all -- our vet; second -- minimal travel. Excellent. Cancelled with SpayIllnois and left our deposit with them as a donation.

(Long and scrawny -- I promise he's eating all the things)

Boswick had his midnight snack around 11:30 and then had a night of no available dry kitten chow.  Life wasn't too horrible until he got stuffed into the carrier and delivered to The Place of the Shots.  He came through surgery with flying colors though. We also learned at his surgical follow-up/2nd round of vaccines visit that he was putting on an average of an ounce a day.  Seriously, this cat is a black hole. Things go in and the hole just more massive. 

He's a tidy little man, a bit too so, and as a result we had to cone him for recovery. Fortunately, there's options other than the sad plastic cone. And Boswick makes an excellent sunflower.  Benefits to this cone was it was soft and padded, downside was it's not see through so he had some trouble walking in it for a while and he definitely wasn't racing around the Chateau or a bit. 

And that's really about it in terms to meeting the new baby.  He's settling in with the ladies. Widge has declared my office her territory. He's allowed to come in but it's not *his* space.  Pye prefers the living room though she's finally back to sleeping on our bed. Boswick tries to play with them and they either romp down the hallway or he gets smacked appropriately. 

He continues to grow, though we think it's slightly less than the daily ounce. Third meal is definitely still a thing and he's still out-eating the ladies quite a lot. They split a can, he eats 1.5 cans by himself every day and I catch him licking their plates after they've wandered off. He decided early on that the kitten chow was far inferior to grown up cat chow. Which, sure, fine whatever, easier than trying to keep Widge out of the kitten food. 

And he's met the two friends whose home we were at when the adventure started. He came out and was social but cautious.  The Incredibly-Patient Mother is coming this month for the holiday and I'll be interested to see how he handles an overnight guest and someone else who is perfectly happy to be available for sitting on laps, providing extra attention. We'll have to warn her he's still pretty nosy about people food. 

Oh -- and the 3 a.m. thing? That's now when he wakes me up to purr as loudly as possible and shove his nose in my face so I'll pet him and cuddle.  It's not too bad, even if it means he flops across my face and now I'm inhaling cat fur and trying to figure out if he's going to inadvertently smack me with a back foot. 

He's Bos or Wicky or Boswick.  Still growing his legs out as long as possible and his tail to match but a more normal size of wide now. The Philosopher appears to be his favorite human -- unless it's 3 a.m. or there's food on offer. 

Overall, quite the good alley find. 

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