Friday, December 31, 2021

A Quiet Year End

It's been one of those very odd holiday seasons. A few "normal" things and a lot of strange things. The Philosopher and I were talking about the forthcoming new year that starts tomorrow and on one hand, I have a list of all the things I'd like to make in 2022 and so help me the stash starts getting smaller, etc etc.

On the other... it's yarn, it'll keep, right? 

I knew 2021 wasn't going to be the year of production I had in 2020. There's only so many works in progress and hats to knit, even around the Chateau and I 'd finished quite a lot of them. Add the swings in restrictions and various new demands on me going up and down throughout the year and a serious level of general burnout distraction and we achieve... just over 5km

There's not a lot that's exciting in what got finished. Two pairs of socks, three honey cowls, a couple of hats. 

And there was a lot of time that I didn't knit in 2021. In the past this usually looked like carrying socks in a bag back and forth to work. Here it was even less than that. I went several weeks without knitting at different points. But, as a kind friend pointed out, the craft will be there when I need it and slowly it's started coming back into my hands of late. 

I do actually have some knitting plans for the new year and I wind up a lot of yarn the other day-- first time I've had my swift out in months, definitely since the move. There's a bin set and ready to go of yarn that I don't have to wait on -- assuming I can locate appropriate needles. Tonight as we observe the start of another new year with a small clump of friends, I'll have a sock to knit. Hoping the stitches continue to tie us together and hold us into a new year that promises a lot of challenges ahead. 

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A Redo

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