Sunday, November 7, 2021

NaNoBloMo : Still On the Honey Cowl Train

Why yes, yes I'm still knitting the occasional Honey Cowl. I'm on my third one for 2020 and I'm even on the back third of it?
Detail of a Honey Cowl in Gray, Yellow, and Blue 

I'm knitting with some lovely Holiday Yarns Super Sheep DK, which is 100% superwash in the colorway Nora's Peacock's Big Brother. Holiday Yarns is a delightful dyer -- they always have such incredible colors and options. It's nice to have it back in my hands -- this is the second Holiday Yarns Honey Cowl of 2021-- I specifically bought this yarn with honey cowls in mind.  Very satisfying to work with. 
I feel like with every project I keep needing to apologize, both to the project and myself and to others. Oh how dare I not finish this cowl in a matter of moments? You managed to knit a dozen of these *last* year and you were home the first several months of 2021 -- why aren't you being Nearly So Knitting Productive. 

Negative self-talk that, chases around and around in my head. There's so many options for comparative knitting -- the bloggers and podcasters and Instagram. And it's hard to separate out what is cumulative and what is individual when you're consuming all of it at speed. Scroll through the feed and there are 25 new finished projects. You see six pictures all at once and it's done, not the several weeks and other updates between. And since everyone else is Clearly Finishing Everything and Using All Their Stash.
It's obviously not so -- and I keep telling myself that yarn only occasionally needs an apology. It will wait for me; it's okay to not rush through and only be a Productive Knitter. Even as it's hard at times to recollect that I'm a Process Knitter and this is supposed to be the hobby I do to reduce stress. 

And yes, I probably have too much yarn-- we'll talk more about that another time. But sorting it again made me happy. And I love getting to support indie dyers and no, I'm not cutting into the cat food  budget to  do it. 

Also-- up there is Boswick's first appearance on this blog. I'll do his story soon but know that he's very excited to contribute some extra black furs to all of my future knitting. 

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