Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Bigger Than My Storage Bins

The Loopy Academy yarn, we of course all agreed, isn't stash. It was never going to live in the bins in my livingroom corner. 4/5 skeins have already been used up and the 5th is on the needles. However, that doesn't mean that the nicely sorted bins of 3 months ago aren't newly bursting at the lids.

Having been sucked into the Stranded Dyeworks podcast,  I've been following her shop updates but hadn't succumbed. And then she posted not only a gorgeous blue but also mentioned that her MCN was going out of stock. I adore a good merino-cashmere-nylon, if nothing else it makes the most indulgent pairs of socks. The MCN was pretty picked over by the time I arrived in the online shop but I did get two skeins of the Pigeon Fancier in her DK and one skein of Impromptu that will likely be a lovely shawlette.  She ships from the UK in record time and the yarn is really soft and beautiful. 

And then a college friend whose since evolved into a knitting friend came to town and wanted to swing by Nina. As I'd not had the chance to see the new location, I was entirely game. I was going to be good, to resist, and just get the needles that I needed to pick up (somehow, you never have the needle you need, no matter how many needles you own).  Then I discovered a bin of Mrs. Crosby's on CLEARANCE. Not only Merino and Cashmere but also silk! So I had a bit of a fall down.  AudioGirl has not quite yet forgiven me for not calling her from the depths of the sale bin. 

Finally, Tina at BMFA posted a couple of really lovely fall colors -- Harvest Star is the rainbow-y one and then Fluer de Aubergine, which is all of the darkest of fall shades. It's shown here with a skein of Aubergenius -- I decided a solid with this blend will do nicely for a large shawl.  I really really must knit up some of my BMFA now.  The bins truly overfloweth.  

I am weak in the face of beautiful wool, y'all. 

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