Tuesday, November 21, 2017

72 Hours-- Ish

We have reached the period of the calendar year where I am deeply in denial of deadlines, full on avoidance, and procrastination. This is a regular occurrence and I seem unable to avoid it. Thus it was the perfect time to go yarn shopping, right? 

I still had that gift certificate from The Knitting Knook from WI Sheep and as it is just north of Milwaukee, I called my friend BrineyDeep and made arrangements for a little light yarn collecting. 

We were so restrained!!  I picked up two absolutely stunning skeins of Malabrigo Caracol, which is a thick and thin, super bulky single with thread ply wrapping. It looks like stained glass. A goal for the upcoming holiday weekend is to set up my light box and get decent pictures. It's absolutely lovely and I'm hoping to get a long cowl out of it that will brighten up the gray winter days ahead. I also finally got a copy of the Opinionated Knitter, which I will hopefully get to peruse over Christmas break. 

Speaking of gray, that was the color of yarn I pulled out of the stash on Wednesday night. Briney's kiddo had outgrown their sweater -- toddlers will do that. I had time and Cascade 220, right?  

I was about 85% done when I got to her house -- working on sleeve 1. Which, arguably isn't too bad for 2.5 days wherein I still had to go to work and do various and sundry other things. This is Flax in the 2-4 year size. It was too big for said toddler, which was the goal. In about 2 months it should be roomy and I'm hoping it won't be outgrown for a 12 month, but we shall see.  I have no doubt it will be stuffed over all manner of other shirts and worn to pieces.  

And Mama has leftovers in case of a quick need to repair or extend the ribbing.  

You'll notice of course I make no mention of my Academy projects. The fingerless mitts for my office? Going swimmingly. The sleeves on another baby sweater that I started Summer 2016 -- SUPER important to finish right now. The entrelac and charted projects? Entirely being avoided. 

It doesn't help that I can't commute with either one. Home knitting time is still somewhat limited and I've long since reached the don't wanna phase of both projects. The yarn is fine for both and Franklin's pattern continues to be clear and should turn out quite interestingly. There's just a lot of whining. 

Maybe over the Thanksgiving weekend I can make a dent. There will be a several hours parade and then the National Dog Show to watch.... 

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