Sunday, October 10, 2010

Processing Along...

I make no effort to hide that I'm a process knitter, nor that I mostly knit because I need something to do with my hands. Other than an occasional "what are you working on now?" for my friends it's just par for the course. My co-Kiwanians (Tuesday lunch group) actually find it more disturbing if I don't break out the knitting. 

Computer knitting of late, thought it should be the blue/green mitts, has been a one row handspun scarf (Yarn Harlot pattern) out of some Wool-Ease Thick and Quick that's been taking up space in the den/library/stash area/storage/computer space portion of the apartment. I started it in August's heat (as memory serves) and the weekend's 85F highs seemed oh so appropriate for finishing it, as I did yesterday. That took about 1.25 skeins of yarn and of course, what is a scarf without matching hat.

I grabbed my friend Tina's Sugar Twist Hat pattern, which I have been meaning to make for a while, and cast on. I remembered something thing as I worked: I don't like using DPNs with super bulky wool.  Note to self: invest in size 10, size 10.5, and size 11 16" needles (also, why doesn't the US have a 7.00 mm needle?).  But the good news is that the pattern is less than 40 rows and then you're done! Hat!

Only, I don't need another hat and scarf. I have several lovely hats and several scarves. Aaaaaand it doesn't really fit on the gift list for the excess of holiday knitting that I really should be working on right now. Fortunately, I mentioned this dilemma to the Incredibly-Patient-Mother and she offered to take them off my hands.  Which is good because the "random project" basket is getting full.

I keep casting on and knitting projects without any particular direction other than that I feel like knitting them.  A second Sock Head hat because one is never enough? A green/purple shawl? Fingerless gloves in a shade of red I don't wear? I grasp that it's never bad to have a stash of knitted gifts in reserve but some of these are a little eclectic. 

Fortunately, of the 5 hours I spent knitting today (approximate but it was at least 1 disc of Big Bang Theory Season 3 plus extras, 1 disc of Ranger's Apprentice Book 7, and some other time in between) , I did spend a large chunk of time working on the red Clapotis.  It's come out of the Project Chair for BBT Season 3 and I'm happy to report that by the time I got through all the extras (and The Beatles' Hard Day's Night at wee hours of Sunday morning), I had reached the decrease rounds. I have Season 1 of CSI-Miami to tackle now, which really should see me through two or three shawls.

Not tonight though, wired as I am, my hands are starting to ache a bit.Though I have to say the super bulky green/taupe afghan that I started last year for instant knitting gratification and no planned recipient is starting to look like fun to pick up again...

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Sock Show Friday

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