I finished two more shawls:
First up was the second Yvaine shawl--the Garden View. Ultimately, eh it's done. I wasn't enamoured of it at any point but neither did I grow to hate it. I simply knit it.
Pattern: Yvaine on Feministy
Modifications: I followed the general idea presented with alternating seed and stockinette but not really to any specific numbers. Also--yarn overs instead of the m1s because I was getting funky sizes.
Yarn: Yarn Love in the Juliet base.
In a fit of ooh, it's on sale, I bought a bag of Louet Gems Worsted. Not enough to make a garment out of, which was a dumb move, but considering it was orange and that's not one of my favorite shades... why did I buy orange yarn? Yah I know. I had aspirations of knitting something for the Blonde but in reality--she has a newborn, she's not going to want something else that requires handwashing for a bit.
And then I was stumbling about patterns in search of something to use my EcoWool up with and found Stephanie Japel's City Shawl. Simple, effective, and burns through yarn. And I had enough Louet Gems, if I doubled it. So why not cast on a bulky weight shawl in the hottest month of the year?
I worked pretty much until I ran out of yarn and I'm happy with the result. I've not blocked it yet and I have the feeling it's going to grow. But here it is pre-blocking.
It's simple, triangular, and looks great with jeans. I haven't decided if it's going in the gift pile or if I have to rethink my wearing of orange. I'm leaning towards the gift pile. I'm sure at least one or two friends will speak up in wish of an orange shawl.
Pattern: City Shawl by Stephanie Japel
Yarn: Louet Gems Worsted (4 skeins)
Modifications: Couple extra rows here and there, the pattern is forgiving
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