Sunday, July 25, 2010

You Few, You Cozy Few

There number of people I've knit for, at some point, is probably under fifty. Immediately family, some gifts for people at work, and a few very close friends.

Friends who are close enough that I'll knit for newborns are fewer. The Blonde is one of them though and I've been chugging away this month on a baby blanket for her. As her due date is just about two weeks out, it was none too soon that I wrapped it up today--except for the end weaving parts.  It's over 4' long and over 3' wide, though not perfectly square. More square than had I religiously followed the pattern (Mason Dixon, Book 1) but not quite square nonetheless. Also, I did an applied I-cord border, which took 3 CDs of Ranger's Apprentice Book 6: The Siege of Macindaw to accomplish (about 3 hours). Thank heavens John Keating has a phenomenal reading voice.

Tomorrow I'll break out Mythbusters Collection 5 and see about weaving in those ends.  Or perhaps Book 7--depending on if it's in at work.  Then it's off to the washer/dryer, to verify that hot water and heat won't hurt it before it's shipped east.  Shouldn't be an issue, it's acrylic/cotton. And then I get to go back to shawlettes, socks, hats, everything else that isn't fall colored garter stitch. 

And I've started planning my Christmas knitting. It is July after all.  If I'm going to get anything done this year I really should be thinking about it and raiding the stash now.

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Sock Show Friday

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