Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Let Someone Else Drive....(Part 3)

But of course, on this long adventure of the LPL Yarn Crawl, we didn't go only to one store! After YD and buying a new vase, (Seriously--what's wrong with me that a month before moving I'm buying vases?) it was off to What in Yarnation! in Cannon Falls, MN.

What in Yarnation!* opened in September 2010, so I think we were the first big tour that they'd had. We were greeted with cookies and wide open arms. As we were rejuvinated and came with wide open checkbooks, this was good!

The store is lovely! It's not huge but they've packed a whole lot of yarn into it. It's a Berroco store, so I got to play with all of those different blends. As the shops near me were all Cascade, it was a nice change. I nearly bought 2-3 sweaters worth of a tencel wool blend that just glowed in the skein. But the owners showed those of us who were drooling that it loses a lot of the sheen when knit up. That was disappointing but I appreciated the honesty.

There was a lot of variety in addition to the Berroco and a wonderful sit-and-knit space where we all congregated before and after checking out. As I'd been suffering through broken size 15 circular, I took the opportunity to replace that to my greatly increased sanity. There was every color of Lion Brand Homespun**, Brown sheep, and some local stuff too. I like it when there are indie dyers/indie spinners available.

Personally, I went for sock yarn. There was an interesting selection and I found two things that seemed worthy of following me home.

First: Brown Sheep Lambs Pride Superwash in Sport Weight in Sage


They are small skeins, so I bought two to make a pair of socks, but I think there should be enough to make some toasty knee high socks. That's the goal at least. I have been meaning to tackle one of Wendy Johnson's basic toe up patterns--as I've only knit cuff down before--and this yarn seemed perfect for that hurdle.

I also found this yarn which I bought entirely because it was interesting.  Which might not be a good thing. I haven't decided. But look at it:



It's Bamboo Zania in Gold/Burgundy. Rainlover on Plurk tells me that it isn't the best for socks. I figured it might make for an interesting shawl, hence the 3 skeinlettes. I was really mostly struck by the color combination. I don't think I've ever seen that golden yellow and burgundy in a skein before. And I have no idea what to make with it that won't pool. 

We stumbled out well laden and headed back to La Crosse. Overall it was a lovely day and I spent way too much on yarn.  But hey, that's what a good yarn crawl is all about right?


*Sorry, I can only find the FB page. If there's a website and I missed it, will someone shoot me an email?
**Makes a good blanket on size 50s..
***I'm prescheduling this. When it posts I'll actually be at my first day at the new job! Wish me luck.  :)

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Sock Show Friday

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