Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Pack the Yarn Stash....I'm Moving to Chicago

That's right! I've decided I can no longer live this far from Loopy, Lorna's Laces, and Stitches Midwest.

I've taken a new job at the University of Illinois in Chicago. I'll be at the Health Sciences Library doing all of my librarian things. I can't wait! I'm so excited!

I have to PACK.

The good news is that the stash, by and large, lives in plastic bins. Packing it involves making sure all the lids are on.  That being said, I have a 1 bedroom apartment with den that needs to be gone through, weeded, pruned, and boxed. Did I mention I haven't got an apartment yet? Working on that.

Much to do, not much time to do it in (new job starts 12/1) and lots to figure out....

But there will continue to be wool!!


  1. I'm so thrilled that you're going to be in Chicago!!! And working at an academic, which means I might get to see you occasionally at state stuff. Congratulations on the new position. You're going to be fabulous!

  2. Looks like a great new opportunity, and you'll be close to me!

  3. Thanks Jill and Sarah!! I enjoyed CHI when I lived there before and I'm definitely looking forward to classes at Loopy!

    And we can visit HOORAY


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Sock Show Friday

I used to do sock project updates on Thursdays and then I trailed off on knitting socks for a decade. I was still knitting them, but not in ...