Monday, October 18, 2010 This is Stash

One of the things I love about Webs is their discount program. Spend $60 and get a 20% discount. This meant when I was placing my recent Cascade order, that it was cheaper if I purchased more yarn than I needed.

So what does a girl in need of extra yarn to round things out and get that discount do? Head straight for the Malabrigo bin, that's what.


Malabrigo Sock yarn in Cote d'Azure never goes wrong does it? 450 yards is enough to make a lovely small shawl or lacy scarf or warm hat or or or....

And while I was down at Kathryn's (Ewetopia Fiber Shop) I had to have a rummage through her handdyed.  I know you've heard me rave about it before but she has good bases and I appreciate her eye for color combination.  Not everything she creates appeals to me, but neither does everything from the Wollmeise.

So anyway, this time I grabbed a skein of her 100% Merino Sportweight in the Water Lily colorway.


Some of the blues are a bit more teal/green than the camera captured. It's bright and cheerful, a little brighter than usual for me even. And squishy as always.

I also found some new interesting fingering weight which really is sock yarn but I doubt will ever be socks off of my needles.



Lang Yarns Tosca Light in a blueberry colorway. It's another progressive colorway, shifting through blues, purples, and teals. (Show of hands, who isn't surprised about this colorway following me home.)

And yes...obligatory cat in the shot.  She was really most excited about the brown paper bag that I brought home everything from EFS in.  Yarn we have every day but paper bags...those are a special treat.  

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