Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Knitting Polygamy...

Lots going on at Chez Hedgehog insofar as the knitting needles are concerned.

On my recent trip to New York to deliver the fall colored baby blanket to NY Nephew, I needed a new knitting project.  Never mind all the ones currently roaming about the apartment, car, purses, etc.--I wanted something that would last the entire week and where I could knock out a huge chunk.

Enter Cascade 220 in the dark red shade. I'm working on a Clapotis as a gift.  It's a wonderfully rich shade of lipstick red, not one I'd wear but hopefully the recipient will! I plowed right through skein one and most of skein two.


And then I came home and the Clapotis has been relegated to the knitting chair in the living room.  Reminder--this is not where I sit to knit, this is where all current knitting projects are piled while I'm not working on them.  Knitting Time Out if you will.

I picked up Sockhead Hat 2 again when I got home and after a few meals with other people, progress is happening. It's slow going though, mostly this lives in my purse or at work. I've had one too many days at work where I had no knitting with me. That's just wrong. I have another department meeting on Thursday so I'll be getting some quality needle time there.


I've started my Christmas knitting pile. This year there are many things in the pile but since I've been so pleased with the City Shawl by Stephanie Japel, I thought I'd make them as gifts.  And I was good--I went through the stash and pulled out yarn rather than placing an enormous order with KnitPicks or TLE or Webs. Trust me...I looked and had things in my cart.  I've started with pink wool/silk blend I picked up at the Herrschners Warehouse sale two years ago.  This picture is when I got through skein one. Now I'm through skein two.  It's worsted held doubled on 15s (10mm) and that goes quickly. The yarn is deliciously squishy.


The 2x2 arm warmers are boring me to tears.  Still, they continue as computer knitting, as does a 1 row scarf (Yarn Harlot pattern) out of Wool-Ease Bulky.  And the Pool Cookies scarf is in the back seat of the car being ignored.  

I'm thinking perhaps this weekend would be a good weekend to pull out the giant afghan that needs worked upon and getting a big chunk done on that. It's not slated as a Christmas gift or anything but it'd use up a lot of yarn and clear out more space in the official "Knitting Basket."

We won't talk about a couple of project baskets I might have purchased on Etsy.

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