Sunday, September 12, 2010

Pool Cookies...

When I was very young (under six), one of my grandmothers lived in a condo that had a pool. I only vaguely remember trips to said pool, but I do remember my favorite snack: Pool Cookies.

My grandmother would get packages of wafer cookies (not those--just for visual): the ones that came in strawberry, vanilla and chocolate. We'd try to take them apart and scrape off all of the filling. Chocolate was, of course, the favorite, though pink wasn't far behind.

I had originally gotten this skein of Yarn Pirate from a de-stash with intentions of making a shawl. I started a Yvaine but it was pooling like crazy. And since it was the right colors, I figured pooling might not be horrible, it did look like the cookies after all.

So I grabbed the Little Leaves patter by Jennifer Jones and cast on.  This is a much neglected project but it goes into the Kiwanis rotation occasionally and it's gotten some work here and there.


And it's pooling/striping in a really strange way--it almost looks like DNA spirals if you let your vision go fuzzy for a second. (When I put the pics up on Ravelry, someone else said the same thing--so apparently I'm not totally off my rocker!)


I'm not sure how long it'll get, I'm just working til I run out of yarn. And it's way too bright for me. I wear pink, I even wear pink and brown, but this wouldn't work with anything I own. So I'll block it and put it in the gift bin.  A couple people have commented positively on the yarn. I'll keep them in mind.

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