Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Pakistan Fundraiser

Pakistan and the horrible floods there seem to already be slipping off the radar, despite the dire need for assistance.

It's killed 1700 people already--and that doesn't include deaths that will come with crops having been destroyed, homes having been destroyed, and diseases that run rampant following natural disasters. It could take six months for the waters to recede in some places and it's disrupted the lives of 18 million people.That's more than twice the number of people living in NYC, twice the number of people living in LA County, 360 times the population of the town I live in.

The humanitarian need is great.  So here's the plan.

Please donate to one of the non-profits helping. I'm linking to suggestions, I don't care which one.  
Doctors without Borders/Knitters without Borders
Red Cross

Let me know you donated: email me, Rav Mail (PhireAngel), track me down on Twitter (@hedgielib) or Plurk (@hedgielib).

My email is (see below)

For every five dollars you donate, I'll add your name to the list one time. Or you can just let me know you donated and I'll put you in once.

Let's go for a month. So closing date will be October 15.

If you'd like to add prizes to this please to shoot me an email.

Abigail Goben

Prizes from me:

1 skein of Bugga! Sock Yarn in Oleander Hawk Moth.  It has cashmere people--sooooooo squishy!


A hat! Handknit by yours truly in the Sockhead Hat pattern, this is made of BMFA Socks that Rock in the Lucy colorway. Get a Christmas gift out of the way or keep your head warm.


Please let me know if you have any questions, if something isn't clear, etc. And please, spread the word.


  1. Count me in for a full set of FotR patterns, including Evenstar

  2. UMCOR is also a good option.

    Every penny you give goes to the cause you choose. The money for administration is raised each year during the One Great Hour of Sharing by members of the United Methodist Church


Leave me a message! (Blogger doesn't give me your email address so if you'd like an answer, please see my About Me page for my email address)

Sock Show Friday

I used to do sock project updates on Thursdays and then I trailed off on knitting socks for a decade. I was still knitting them, but not in ...