Sunday, December 4, 2016

Done and Dusted

I finally got to make a special knitting delivery today!

When I found out my friends E&P were expecting twins, I was very excited. E and I have been friends long enough that if you ask, neither of us can entirely figure out how we met. At some point she was just on speed dial and we've been through many a professional organization mini-crisis together.

Twins often show up a little early and this pair was no exception. And while I'd gotten to meet them, I just now finally finished all the edging and end-weaving, etc, and so when I went over to babysit for a couple of hours, I brought along their blankets.

I made two Mason Dixon Moderne Log Cabin baby blankets.  The yarn for both was Plymouth Encore, which is 75% acrylic, 25% merino and very washable. It also comes in many colors.  E had said black was totally fine and she didn't want pink but beyond that she didn't have any particular color preferences. Blanket One was Black, Dark Burgundy, Medium Gray, and Charcoal. 

Blanket Two, in addition to the Black, was more of a study in Heathers. The colors included Emerald Heather, Light Gray Heather, and Gray Heather.  And you can see I changed up my color orders so the black wasn't in the same place at the same time. 

I modified the pattern; I always do a bit (this is the 3rd/4th of these).  I didn't do the color work at the bottom or sides, instead just doing straight long rectangles.  I'm also not sure what the correct border is supposed to be --I always just work from the PDF on Ravelry which doesn't tell you what it is. 

So instead I do a 3 stitch applied I-cord edging. For these I did it in the non-gray color for each blanket.  

I don't have much yarn left from either set of colors. The Philosopher had suggested that I use the black as the border but I didn't have enough and I liked the idea of a little bit of color around the edge. But if they go through the wash a few times and need any minor touch ups, I have the leftovers stashed away.  

Now they are ready for wash and dry with their baby detergent of choice and tummy time has a whole new set of blankets for drooling upon! 

(Also, now I get to blog about most of my knitting again! E noticed that she hadn't seen these on the blog.) 

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